The majority of German society was deeply involved in the Nazi tyranny. This fact must be stated in no uncertain terms.
But who are the people who were persecuted by the Nazi regime?
Nowadays, most people know that Jews as well as Sinti*zze and Rom*nja were persecuted - but there were many others who were arrested in prisons and concentration camps for very different reasons, who were forcibly sterilized, tortured or murdered.
#ZumFeindGemacht tells the stories of these people. People who were persecuted because of their sexual orientation, or because they were mentally ill, because they had the "wrong" skin color, because they didn't want to give up their political convictions, or simply because they spoke their mind in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was not so long ago that this happened. Freedom and democracy, an open and diverse society cannot be taken for granted. They are based on values that we must defend - every day and with all our strength.
The project is taking place as part of the German Federal Ministry of Finance's Year of Remembrance. The year 2022 marks the anniversary of two key events in post-war history: 70 years ago, the Luxembourg Agreement was concluded: The First Reparations Agreement with Israel. It is also the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the so-called "Article 2 Fund," which enabled Jewish survivors in Eastern Europe to receive restitution payments for the first time.
More about the #ZumFeindGemacht campaign, as well as detailed biographies, photos and further information can be found at:
Lena Knops
0221 17 92 94 18