This project aims improving the lives of survivors of Nazi persecution in the Zamosc area. The local volunteer centre Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu carries out project implementation while the Federal Association provides support and advice.
The city of Zamosc is located in southeastern Poland. In the Second World War, the region experienced Nazi crimes. The “Zamosc Operation” of the Nazi’s Masterplan for the East (Generalplan Ost) provided to make the city the centre of the “Germanisation” planned for Poland. Tens of thousands of people were deported and killed, more than 100 000 were expelled. Up to today, Zamosc and surroundings are home to numerous people who experienced the terror of Nazi persecution. Some of them suffer material hardship, some health impacts. Most of them do not take part in social life and become more and more isolated.
With the help of the Federal Association, specific projects can be implemented, e.g. an advisory centre and meeting place for survivors of Nazi persecution where victims of the National Socialist regime can receive advice on humanitarian, legal and social questions. The employees have installed a visiting service, hand out health vouchers as well as offer community and testimony café get-togethers and workshops. They respond to the cares and concerns of the affected persons and help improve their quality of life.
Dr. Jost Rebentisch
0221 17 92 94 23