Descendants of Survivors

For years, the Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution has been looking into the situation of descendants of survivors. We provide advice to those affected, pool their interests and connect stakeholders. Our symposia, conferences and working groups help increase public awareness to our cause.



We ask: Who are the people who were persecuted by the Nazis?

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Working Groups on Descendants of Survivors

Experts look into “historico-political education” and “psychosocial issues” in relation to the work of and to working with descendants of survivors of Nazi persecution.

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Regional Meetings

Descendants of survivors meet on a regular basis at various locations to exchange ideas and engage in political life together.

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Voices of Descendants

Descendants speak about how their parents’ and grandparents’ persecution stories affect their personal lives.

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Links and Literature

Today, numerous publications address the issue of descendants of survivors of Nazi persecution.

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Wanted to sign

With the "Declaration on common objectives to support descendants of survivors of Nazi persecution", we would like to raise public awareness of their stories both nationally and internationally.

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